Responding to findings of our recent survey, big changes are in store for the San Francisco Round Table. For starters, we will hold meetings every other month instead of monthly. Please mark your calendars for the SFPRRT lunches on the fourth Tuesdays of February (27th), April (24th), August (28th) and October (23rd). We believe that fewer meetings will translate to greater attendance, along with more participation and energy on the part of our busy members. Based on your survey responses, we’re also making our meetings more affordable, with a new location and format for lunches. Courtesy of Board Member Blodwen Tarter, we have a terrific new venue at Golden Gate University (536 Mission Street, San Francisco), in the school’s well-equipped sixth-floor University Center. Our June meeting (June 26) will be an evening mixer at the Equinox Club on Market Street in San Francisco, and we’ll cap the year with the always popular PR Round Table Holiday Party, set for Tuesday, December 4, 2018, once again at the lovely Victor’s atop the Westin St. Francis Hotel. In addition, we plan to offer activities for club members in the off months — stay tuned to the website for details.In lieu of a formal sit-down lunch, we’ll be offering tasty boxed lunches, which will lower the member price to $25, and and the nonmember price to $35 (with a modest Eventbrite processing fee) — just half the member cost in 2017. We might be the only club in town that is reducing our prices in 2018! If you have ideas for programs, please contact SFPRRT’s 2018 Program Chair Molly Walker, |
Home» Meetings/Events » Exciting Changes Coming to SF PRRT Programs in 2018: New Venue, Lower Prices, New Schedule