Don’t Miss the Fun
Nothing says “holidays” more than a big serving of inside political scoops and outspoken opinions from the San Francisco Chronicle’s Phil Matier and Andy Ross.
The foibles of Bay Area officials, sports figures and ordinary citizens never fail to provide plenty of raw material for this daring duo to slice, dice, skewer and roast. You will want to be there to find out what-and who-they deemed newsworthy in 2012. Come prepared with questions to test M&R’s ability to predict who will encounter smooth sailing or rough seas in 2013.
Mark your calendar for Tuesday, December 4 at Victor’s at the St. Francis Hotel, 11:30 to 2.
Thank you to all of our sponsors:
- Platinum: Wells Fargo
- Gold: Burson-Marsteller
- Silver: Landis Communications, TOBIN and Associates
- In-kind: Delta Dental, The Hess Collection
To get involved contact Diane Fraser at or 415-668-7884.