As those of you who attended the January luncheon featuring Lois Kazakoff will know, Lois is inundated with pitches for op-eds. So, I was thrilled when she accepted something I wrote recently, based on a quote I’d seen attributed to Harriet Tubman. The quote was printed on a handout at an event I attended that was hosted by a respected organization.
How embarrassing; the quote turned out to be fake! Evidence it was made up is widely available if you do even a cursory bit of research. . ., which I failed to do. Lois was understandably upset when she learned the quote didn’t hold up. Fortunately, she could pull the piece before it ran.
After more than 45 years practicing PR, I should have known better, but it’s a good reminder to always fact-check anything you submit to the media (or others, for that matter.) There is no excuse for “alt facts”—especially with the Internet providing access to dozens of strong sources with a single keystroke. Lesson learned.
Here are a few reminders about PRRT.
- You should have received a copy of our most recent directory. Please don’t assume it’s correct! Review your listing to make sure we have the right information, including the address you wish to have listed, your work title, and current contact information. Please add Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn handles and personal web pages, if you want them to appear. Send your changes to Sheri Cardo ( in the next few days.
- We have three new members and several in the pipeline this month.
- Please welcome Ali Taghavi, Public Relations Manager with the American Academy of Opthalmology in San Francisco.
- Alex Clemens, one of our outstanding February speakers, has also joined. He is a principal at Lighthouse Public Affairs. If you didn’t meet him at our recent meeting, go to our website for the meeting wrap-up.
- Terry Gault, “Communication and Storytelling Guru,” has joined. Terry is a managing partner at the Henderson Group. You can welcome him at the upcoming luncheon on March 28.
If you’re interested in volunteering to help our Membership Committee, please contact me.
- Let’s hear a round of applause for Patsy Barich, who joins our board, replacing Phyllis Goodman (who resigned due to scheduling conflicts.) Patsy is chairing the Communications Committee and continues to be ably assisted by Lisa Stockwell.
- Don’t miss attending the April PRRT luncheon (soon to be posted on our website); it’s certain to be sold out. You’ll have the opportunity to meet our outstanding new scholarship winners and hear from Jason Silver, LinkedIn’s San Francisco-based talent market strategist, who will share how LinkedIn is changing the way we do business.
- Thanks to all our board members and officers for the work they do every month to keep our organization running. At just $75 annual dues, we may be the best value among professional organizations. Our all-volunteer leadership group makes it possible for us to raise thousands of dollars annually for scholarships for local students—something frequently cited by members as a key reason to belong. Do you have a few hours to donate? Contact me at 925.872.4328, And, don’t hesitate to send ideas on how we can improve our organization!
Finally, please visit and “friend” our Facebook and LinkedIn pages. From now on, we plan to make these a more vital part of our member communications.